Text Move List
Signature Moves

Apron Senton

Belly to Belly Suplex


Discus Lariat

Diving Crossbody

Falling Headbutt


One-Armed Spinebuster

Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex


Raw Mana

Samoan Drop

Savate Kick

Seated Senton

Tree of Woe Headbutt


Tag Team Moves

Sky Lift Slam

Triple Powerbomb

Double Back Suplex Side Slam

Double Crucifix Powerbomb to announce desk

Double Crucifix Powerbomb

Double Facebuster

Double Hiptoss Slam

Double Lariat

Double Spinebuster

Pop-Up Swinging Side Slam

Assisted Liger Bomb

Double Powerbomb + Splash

Signature Moves

Tag Team Moves