Text Move List

Black Fire Driver

Fire Thunder Driver

Frog Splash

Signature Moves

180 Splash

Asai Moonsault

Assisted Hurricanrana

Back Suplex Gutbuster

Baseball Slide Dropkick

Butterfly Slam

Canadian Facebuster

Cancun Tornado

Corner Tijeras

Death Valley Driver

Diving Crossbody

Diving Double Stomp

Diving Guillotine Leg Drop

Double Leg Powerbomb

Double Springboard Wristlock Armdrag

Double Wristlock Springboard Hurricanrana

Drive By


Elevated DDT


Escalera Senton Bomb

Fireman's Carry Front Slam

German Suplex

Gory Bomb + Legdrop

Gory Special Cutter

Guillotine Stunner

Half & Half Suplex

Handspring Cutter

Handspring Headbutt

Inverted Spanish Fly

Leg Drop

Missile Dropkick

Monkey Flip + Pop-Up Powerbomb

Orihara Moonsault

Pele Kick

Pop-Up Cutter

Rebound Spinning Heel Kick

Release German Suplex

Rolling Cutter

Rolling Frog Splash

Rolling Hurricanrana

Rolling Sitout Facebuster

Rope Walk Enzuigiri

Rope-Walk Dropkick

Senton Atomico

Shotgun Dropkick

Shoulder Plancha

Sky Twster Press

Slingshot Backbreaker

Slingshot Mexican Destroyer

Spanish Fly

Springboard Armdrag + Double Stomp

Springboard Armdrag

Springboard Crossbody version 2

Springboard Crossbody

Springboard Cutter

Springboard Double Stomp

Springboard Frog Splash

Springboard Headbutt

Springboard Missle Dropkick

Springboard Plancha

Springboard Sky Twister Press

Springboard Spin Kick

Springboard Wristlock Armdrag version 2

Springboard Wristlock Armdrag

Springboard Wristlock Tornillo

Step-Out Hurricanrana

Step-Up Hurricanrana


Tiger Feint Kick

Tiger Flowsion

Tightrope PK

Tightrope Plancha

Tightrope Spanish Fly to floor

Tope Atomico

Tope con Hilo

Tope Suicida

Tornillo Cutter


Wristlock Springboard Hurricanrana

Tag Team Moves

Triple Shotgun Dropkicks

Triple Tombstone Piledrivers

Assisted Cannonball version 2

Assisted Cannonball

Butthole Lanza

Cazadora Splash

Doomsday Dropkick

Dual Superkicks

Dual Tope con Hilos

Fear Factor + Double Stomp

Giant Splash

Gorilla Press + Superkick

LB Driver

Lungblower + Double Stomp

Shoulder Splash

Uno! Dos! Tres!


Crucifix Kimura

Signature Variants

Apron Springboard Wristlock Hurricanrana

Assisted Tope con Hilo over turnbuckle

Avalanche Hurricanrana

Diving Crossbody off cage

Rope-Walk Hurricanrana to floor

Slingshot Legdrop to floor

Springboard Tornillo

Tightrope Hurricanrana


Signature Moves

Tag Team Moves


Signature Variants