Text Move List

Busaiku Knee

Danielson Stomps

Signature Moves

Avalanche Manhattan Drop

Arm Stomp

Arm Wringer

Avalanche Butterfly Suplex

Avalanche Hurricanrana

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Back Suplex

Chop Block

Corner Dropkick


Deadlift Powerbomb

Diving Double Stomp to arm

Diving Headbutt

Diving Knee Strike

Diving Knee to arm

Diving Shotgun Dropkick

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Dragon Suplex

Flying Forearm

German Suplex

Gotch Piledriver

Hammer & Anvil Elbows

Hatch Suplex

Kitchen Sink

La Mistica

Northern Lights Suplex


Reverse Hurricanrana

Rolling Elbow

Shoot Kicks + Roundhouse

Spider Superplex

Spider Suplex

Springboard Senton Bomb

Suicide Dive


Surfboard Stomp

Tiger Suplex

Tree of Woe Basement Dropkick

Wrecking Ball Dropkick

Tag Team Moves

Lariat + German Suplex


Ankle Lock


Bow & Arrow

Cattle Mutilation

Dragon Sleeper

Figure-Four Leglock

Fujiwara Armbar

Guillotine Choke

Half Crab

Hanging Triangle Choke

Heel Hook

Indian Deathlock


LeBell Lock

Muta Lock

Regal Stretch

Rings of Saturn

Romero Special

Tequila Sunrise

Triangle Choke

Super Finishers

Busaiku Knee with chair

Signature Variants

Apron Vertical Suplex to floor

Avalanche Back Suplex

Avalanche Tiger Suplex

Grounded Dragon Screw

Leg Capture German Suplex

Release German Suplex

Vertical Suplex onto trash barrel


Signature Moves

Tag Team Moves


Super Finishers

Signature Variants